We use liquid or gas chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry, that is LC- or GC- MS/MS, when doing chemical analyses ourselves. These methods may be used for analysing man-made pollutants like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, pesticides, PCB and halogenated flame retardants. But even compounds like carnitine, fatty acids and other natural compounds may be analysed on such instruments.
When we commission others to perform the chemical analyses, we use laboratories that we know have expertise and experience for the job, whether here in the Faroe Islands or in neighbouring countries.
Maria dam, EXECUTIVE
Cand. Mag, Cand. Scient. and Dr. Scient. in chemistry, from what is now the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Has worked as project leader in pollution and pollutants in the Faroese environment since 1995. Has extensive experience on designing both large and small project plans for analyses and assessments. Has worked with environmental issues in regard to food safety, fish, fish farming, water-, soil- and air quality, wastewater and oil and gas issues for government and industry.
Has been a lecturer at the University of the Faroese Islands, mainly in courses on Ecotoxicology and pollution, but also in general, inorganic and organic chemistry. Large network in governmental agencies as well as science and research institutes the Faroe Islands and abroad, especially in the Nordic countries.
Laboratory technician from Kold College, Denmark, in 2005.
Has worked in public and private laboratories in the Faroe Islands. Has studied biology at Bachelor of Science level at the University of the Faroe Islands. Experience with field work and analyses of environmental pollutants.